The European Union's R&D programs work to create cooperation in research, development and innovation among entities in Israel and in other countries

Every year, more and more Israeli companies apply for candidacy to participate in the programs, and we consider it of supreme importance to assist and promote these companies.

The services we provide include:

  • Consulting for local companies on the appropriate method of reporting to the European Union
  • Construction of internal accounting work procedures in order to comply with all reporting requirements and to derive the maximum from them.

The principal points of our service:

  • Workshops and instruction on issues connected with the European R&D program
  • Guidelines on the rules of recognition for specific expenses
  • Current assistance and monitoring of the financial management
  • Correct accounting recording method that is appropriate for the company’s policy vis-à-vis the Union’s principles
  • Preparing financial audit and preparing an audit certificate
  • Financial management of the consortium including determining reporting procedures, collating the Company’s reports, assistance in executing in-budget changes, allocation to participants of grants coming from the European Union, logistic and administrative assistance to the extent required.
  • Thorough handling on issues of employment, attendance hours and allocation to work packages
  • Assistance in calculating optimal ceiling rates
  • Possibility of claiming various social costs
  • Exploiting benefits and reducing risks involved in non-recognition of expenses submitted
  • Preparing a format in order to concentrate costs in the European R&D program
  • Preparing a format for reporting hours for specific research including distribution to work packages