VBIR possesses extensive professional know-how and long-term experience in providing auditing services, preparing financial statements and other accounting reports, accounting consulting and the ability to apply both Israeli accounting principles (GAAP) and international accounting standards (IFRS).

Our firm is a member of the Geneva Group International (GGI), which enables professional accessibility to both international and local accounting in every country where there is a member of the network.

We believe that, in order to perform  a professional  audit, familiarity with and an understanding of the organization’s business and the environment in which it operates are required in addition to a good command of the accounting standards on the basis of which the organization’s business results are presented.

We perform our work while implementing advanced work methods, with the aim of complying with both Israeli and international accounting standards and, concurrently, paying attention to the client’s needs, in direct contact with the client and in accordance with its size, character and type.
